Now THIS is Looney

Lists, and more lists all about ME, Looney Bin Drop Out. This is an updated site, and since I am so damn crazy, what is true today may change tomorrow.

Friday, October 14, 2005

7 Things

7 Things to Do Before I Die:
1. Travel across country by RV with only my husband and I.
2. Travel outside the US
3. Obtain at least my Master's Degree
4. Watch my kids get married
5. Become a grandmother
6. Have an article published
7. Go on a cruise

7 Things I Can Do:
1. Dance
2. Cook
3. Cry... a lot
4. Paint (?)
5. Write (but, my writing always sucks here for some reason)
6. Kiss boo-boos
7. Apply great make up

7 Things I Can Not Do:
1. Sing
2. Go without talking for longer than a few minutes
3. Enjoy working out
4. Play an instrument (tried violin in 4th grade, it wasn't pretty)
5. Live without animals
6. Stifle my flirtation
7. Tolorate whining

7 Things that Attract Me to the Opposite Sex:
1. Hands (large and strong)
2. Backs (broad and built)
3. Height (6'2" and above, please)
4. Bleach blonde hair
5. Fashion (I love long sleeve button-ups with jeans; I also love the old Orange County look: Dickies and wife beater with hair high and tight)
6. Tattoos (nothing jail-house though)
7. Black eye-liner (hubby is too metrosexual to wear it....damn it)

7 Things I Say Most Often:
1. Fuck, followed by: off, you, it, this shit, him/her/them, life, me...or any variation, including but not limited to: motherfucker, fuckface, fucker
2. (insert child's name) knock it off!
3. Heaven, shut the fuck up (Heaven is my pomeranian)
4. Honey, will you go get me ice cream?
5. I feel like shit.
6. Any other curse word, including but not limited to: god damn it, shit, cocksucker, hell, bastard, bitch (I am a trucker)
7. I love you.

7 Celebrity Crushes: (this was super hard...James and I share most all of his list...I did't want to copy his, but there were two I just couldn't leave off my own list)
1. Carmen Electra ( she is the wallpaper on my pc)
2. Angelina Jolie (who doesn't?)
3. Jennifer Lopez (she made my booty popular!)
4. Vin Deisel
5. Gwen Stefani
6. Fergie
7. Kevin Bacon (this began when I was too young to realize how short he is!)
(I just noticed that there are more women than men, hmmm)

7 People Who Need to Do This: (Do I even have seven readers???)
1. Ann
2. Sansanity
3. Gigglezngrinz
4. Joney
5. Robin
6. Michele
7. Sid


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